
fashionable mental health awareness

Fashionable Mental Health Awareness: Looking Good, Feeling Better

We offer apparel and accessories that accentuate fashionable mental health awareness. That means that these items spread a positive message out into the world. The apparel that we offer at SoPsyched is designed to be worn in many different places and situations.
Mental wellness

How Mental Wellness is in Style in Any Season

What’s important, far beyond what’s “trendy” or anything like that, is that you feel good in what you wear. That’s what will always be in fashion no matter what. What “feels good” has different definitions to different people. Mental wellness and positive messaging is always in style no matter what time of year it is.
Mental Health Awareness: The Limitless Possibilities of Being OK

Mental Health Awareness: The Limitless Possibilities of Being OK

Everything that we sell has a positive, uplifting message on it so that you can get that little boost, that tiny nudge to keep going. That’s just one of the ways that we promote mental health awareness. While some of our fears are valid, it’s important to never let fear paralyze us.
SoPsyched Online Store: Gratitude Journal

SoPsyched Online Store: Gratitude Journal

If we do have to write anything out by hand, it’s usually a grocery list or something like that. However, there are many benefits to writing something out by hand, particularly in terms of wellness and mental health. At our SoPsyched online store, you can find a notebook to fit your needs.
Buy Your Tibetian Bowl at So Psyched Online Store

Buy Your Tibetian Bowl at So Psyched Online Store

A Tibetan bowl is a type of bell. When played, it vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone. It is also known as singing bowls or Himalayan bowls. They promote relaxation and it is said they have powerful, useful healing properties. Many wellness practitioners use Tibetan bowls in their treatments.
mental health

You Too Can Promote Mental Health Awareness with SoPsyched

Mental health is not really something people like to talk about. It’s understandable, for the concept can activate uncomfortable feelings.  At SoPsyched, we would like to change that. With our line of products and gear, we aim at spreading awareness of mental health and fueling the conversation around these issues.
Getting Your Own Singing Bowl with SoPsyched

Getting Your Own Singing Bowl with SoPsyched

In the last few decades, singing bowls have been used in sound therapy in order to encourage mindfulness in those being treated, stimulating them in order to help them focus and look inward. This enhances the rest of the treatment, allowing for comfort and creating an environment of relaxation and openness.
mental wellness

Mental Wellness Meets Technology Where You Live

With so many of us worried about our phones, it can give you an added level of anxiety that you didn’t need. Here at SoPsyched, our goal is to offer top quality products while promoting mental wellness. We have plenty of affordable fashion that can do just that. Additionally, we have some other items that you might not be aware of which can also help, too. 
SoPsyched Gear

Look Better, Feel Better: Sopsyched Gear

At Sopsyched, we understand how important it is to look great, and how that’s connected to feeling great too. So, in addition to our therapy, we also have great Sopsyched gear you can wear, too. That way, you’ll look great no matter what. 
Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness that Looks Great: A Tibetan Bowl

One of the products that we get the most questions about is our Tibetan bowl. At first glance, it just looks like a bowl. Sure, a very nice, very fashionable bowl, but at the end of the day, still just a bowl. However, this bowl can help your own mental wellness in a variety of ways. 
singing bowl

Something to Sing about: Your Own Singing Bowl

“So, what am I going to do with a singing bowl?” We’re asked some variation of that question quite often. When you get one of these bowls from SoPsyched, you can get a whole host of health benefits, many of which may surprise you. 
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