Smart phones have become part of everybody’s daily life. We’re not discovering anything really new with this announcement but it does have to do with the whole idea behind SoPsyched items. We intend to bring mental wellness and set your mood in as many aspects as possible of your everyday life. That’s why we’ve created a new line of modern iphone cases that combines inspirational design and the right colors and themes to help you feel better all day; even in small details.
The whole idea behind these cases started with our text message therapy service. The professional behind So Psyched are mental health experts with years of experience in teletherapy. This somehow new approach to mental health combines technology and counseling. We provide online video, chat and text message therapy as well as in-home, traditional approach.
The idea Behind So Psyched Modern Iphone Cases
With our text and chat counseling background in mind, we thought why not extend it to our patient’s very same devices? And more specifically, to their phone’s covers. That’s how we came up with the idea of our own line of modern Iphone cases. They are also available for Samsung phones, with equal level of quality design and plannified wellness. Our designs are intended to set a good mood on you all day. The cases are made with quality materials to make them durable, protective and long-lasting for you.

As we mentioned before, our experience in teletherapy was what inspired us the most for this line of cases. One of the good things about this type of counseling is that patients can do it at their own pace, connect in real life time wherever they are and have useful insights from their therapists in the moment. Our cases not only intend to be useful for their smart devices. They intend to send them the message that So Psyched is always there for them when they need us.
Innovation and Contribution for the People
So Psyched has always taken pride in our ability to combine innovative technology, progressive views, and holistic approaches to our mental health practice. And we intend to extend such practice to as many aspects of people's lives as possible. We believe that reaching to more people and make mental wellness available for them is more important than following certain norms of what a therapist is supposed to perform his or her practice.
Aside from this all-inclusive idea, So Psyched also intends to contribute to the mental health community by donating 2% of profits to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). This is our way to also retrieve to our field and the people who also fight mental conditions just like us, but in different fields. So when you buy our modern Iphone cases, clothes, mugs or journals, you are also helping an institution that promotes information, prevention and mental illness support.
Browse So Psyched website to find our cases and many other items. Easy, fast, secured purchase through SSL encryption..